Archive for May, 2011

A tournament killed my momentum to post

Plus getting stuck in the Nashville Airport. Lord that was a long two days. Either way I am back. I will be going to FTW Games in Richmond, VA as a special guest for their birthday celebration. I will be drawing on bags, playing some games, and having a good time. But other then that – I got some minis and some bag art to show ya. Woohoo! Plus my team got first at the ATC. Woohoo!

Goatboy – back from the Alamo GT

Got 2nd overall so not a bad weekend for the tried and true Goatboy. Woohoo!! I got some cool minis too as well as some bags. Woohoo! Lets get on with it as I am beat.

Sunday – Sunday – Sunday

Guy at work quit so my weekend was null and void. Makes for a tired Goatboy. I did get some things done though – so that is good. I started up on the orks and painted up other fun things. Woohoo!! I got a crack at the new Warmachine super Heavy from Khador. Look for a review going up on Bell of Lost souls soon. Other then that it is just another day and another dolla painting me some plastic Dudesmen.

Goatboy – Sunday

This last week was a rush to finish 2 armies. My Grey Knights and a clients Blood Ravens. I got both done so there isn’t a whole lot else done besides that. I did get a FW Bile drone done which is pretty bad ass. Other then that, more Marines! Yay!!! Orks are coming I swear!