Archive for February, 2011
This week was a monster. I do art work so I had some commission stuff to do during the week. It was a nutty week as I had to do educational stuff as well as some other projects. I did find some time for painting and finished up the Chaos Reaver for a client. I will get better pictures at a later time but I will show it for now. Woohoo messy room too hah.
Woohoo! Another week passed. I didn’t do as much as I would have liked – sick, change in work schedule for the week, and the weather all contributed to “less” painting time. Beyond that I also had some other work to do too. Fun fun fun. Sick makes things crappy doesn’t it? Anyway onto the minis. A good range of stuff this week.
Gonna start posting painted stuff on Sundays. I usually have more time to work on it and it is easier for me to remember. So Sundays look for new paintings!!! And some artwork too. Woot. Onto some painted stuff – it was a slow week due to storms etc here and the lack of me being able to prime stuff. No fun at all. But I did get some stuff done.